Honors & Awards



Honor & Fellowship

Faculty Members


ACM SIGecom mid-career Award

Michal Feldman (2023)

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Fellows

Yossi MatiasRon ShamirTova MiloMicha SharirNir ShavitMooly SagivNoga AlonDan Halperin


ACM CCS Test-of-Time Award

Eran Tromer (2019)


ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award

Amos Fiat (2016)


ACM SenSys Test of Time Award

Sivan Toledo (2019)


Amazon Research Award

Michal Feldman (2018)


Alon Fellowships for junior faculty

Noga AlonYossi AzarShiri ChechikDan HalperinYossi MatiasShmuel Safra, Oded Regev, Eythan RuppinRon ShamirRoded SharanAmnon Ta-ShmaOri LahavTomer KorenTal Wagner


COLT 2024

Yair Carmon (2024)


Computer Graphics Achievement Award

Danny Cohen-Or (2018)


Choice's Outstanding Academic Title Award

Nachum Dershowitz (2002)

Dijkstra Prize, ACM and EATCS

Noga Alon (2016)

Erdos Prize of the Israel Union of Mathematics

Noga Alon


Feher Prize of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies

Micha SharirNoga Alon


Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award, granted to outstanding young researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany

Mooly Sagiv


191th General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Noga Alon


Gödel Prize of the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation

Nir ShavitNoga AlonShmuel SafraYossi Matias


Google Research Scholar Award

Nadav Cohen

Guastalla Fellowship, Rashi Foundation

Nachum Dershowitz


Honorary Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa)

Micha Sharir (Utrecht University); Boaz (Boris) Trakhtenbrot (Friedrich Schiller University in Germany); Victor Brailovsky (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, Open University in England, Universite de Picardie-Amiens in France, Tel Aviv University, Weizmann Institute of Science) Noga Alon (University of Waterloo)


Honorary Doctorate in ETH Zurich

Noga Alon


Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automated Deduction

Nachum Dershowitz (2011)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Fellow

Dan Halperin, Lior Wolf (2021), Shmuel (Muli) Safra (2021)


ISCB (The International Society for Computational Biology) Fellow

Ron ShamirHaim WolfsonRoded Sharan


ISCB Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award

Ron Shamir (2022)

Internet Defense Prize 

Adam Morrison (2021)

Israel Prize in Mathematics

Noga Alon


Juludan Prize, awarded by the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

Haim WolfsonEran Halperin


Kadar Family Award

Ron ShamirIftach HaitnerDanny Cohen-OrMichal FeldmanJonathan BerantRoded Sharan


Krill Prize

Eran Halperin, Julia Kempe, Oded Regev, Roded SharanDaniel DeutchShiri ChechikInbal Talgam-CohenTomer Koren


Landau Prize for Research and Sciences

Micha SharirNoga AlonRon Shamir


Membership in the Academia Europaea

Noga AlonNachum DershowitzTova Milo


Membership in the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Micha SharirNoga Alon


Michael Bruno Memorial Award

Noga AlonMichal Feldman (2022)


National Defense Prize of Israel

seven laureates


Polya Prize, awarded by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Noga Alon


Rising Star Faculty Award

Mahmood Sharif (2023)

RSA Conference Award for Excellence in the field of Mathematics

Ran Canetti (2018)


Skolem Award

Nachum Dershowitz (2015)

STOC Best Paper Award

Amnon Ta-Shma (2017)


STOC Test of Time Award

Yossi Azar (2024)


Strage-BGU Cyber Award

Adam Morrison (2022)

Test Of Time Award

Dan Halperin, Micha SharirNachum Dershowitz (2006,2014), Roded Sharan

The EMET Prize in Arts, Sciences and Culture

Micha SharirNoga Alon


The Knuth Prize

Noga Alon (2022)

The Nerode Prize, EATCS and IPEC

Noga Alon (2019)

The Max Planck Research Award, for scientific cooperation between German and foreign scientists

Micha Sharir


The Paris Kanellakis Award, ACM

Noga Alon (2010), Yossi Azar (2020)

The People's Republic of China Friendship Award

Danny Cohen-Or


The Shaw Prize

Noga Alon (2022)

The Steele Prize

Noga Alon (2021)

VLDB Women in Database Research Award

Tova Milo (2017)


Weizmann Prize for Exact Sciences

Tova Milo


Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics

Noga Alon (2024)


Young Israeli Academy

Roded SharanMichal Feldman

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