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One intuitive score for a phylogenetic tree is the number of changes along edges. The approach of minimizing this score is called parsimony. The logic is the basic philosophy of Okham's razor - finding the simplest explanation that works. Let us mark the vertices of a tree by V(T), and its edges by E(T). Denote the value of the jth character of vertex $v \in V(T)$ by vj.

\begin{definition}% latex2html id marker 87
{Given a phylogenetic tree $T$ , its...
...r of times the value of some character changes along some edge.

\begin{example}% latex2html id marker 95
Figure \ref{lec08:Fig:ParsTree1} shows ...
...mplex parsimony tree, in which the species have 6 characters each.

Figure 8.3: A most parsimonious 5-species phylogeny for 6 characters, reconstructed from the data in table 8.1. The numbers by the mutation bars indicate the changed character.

Table 8.1: 6 DNA site values for 5 species. This data was used to infer the phylogeny in figure 8.3.
  1 2 3 4 5 6
Aardvark C A G G T A
Bison C A G A C A
Chimp C G G G T A
Dog T G C A C T
Elephant T G C G T A

There are two levels of problems in parsimony, small parsimony and large parsimony.

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