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Happy Cliques

\begin{definition}{Let $G(N,A)$\space be an interval overlap graph. A {\em happy...
...ot\in C$\space where $(z,y)\in A$\space and $(z,x) \not\in A$ }
For example, in the overlap graph shown in figure 10.10(c) $\{(2,3),(10,11)\}$ and $\{(6,7)\}$ are happy cliques, but $\{(2,3),(10,11),(8,9)\}$ is not.

The reversal defined by a node $x$\space with maximum unoriented d...
...s) in
a happy clique $C$\space creates no new unoriented components.

\begin{proof}Suppose that such a reversal created an unoriented component $M$ . ...
...eighbors then $x$ ,
a contradiction to the choice of $x$ .

Claim 10.11 implies, for example, that the reversal defined by the gray edge (10,11) is a safe proper reversal for the permutation of figure 10.10 (a), since it corresponds to the node with maximum unoriented degree in the happy clique $\{(2,3),(10,11)\}$. On the other hand, the reversal defined by (2,3) creates a new unoriented component, as it yields the permutation shown in figure 10.11.

Peer Itsik