Apoptosis Anti-Apoptosis Network (spike00014)

Apoptosis is a mode of cell death that plays an important role in both pathological and physiological processes. When cells exposed to a trigger (apoptotic stimulus), the apoptotic cascade starts. There are several proteins involved in cell survival, proliferation, and protection from apoptosis. When a cell is attacked by an apoptotic stimulus, the cell responds first by activating anti-apoptotic mechanisms, which may or may not be followed by apoptosis. Whether or not a cell undergoes proliferation, the survival, or apoptosis, appears to involve a balance between the two mechanisms. The most investigated is the role of the transcription factor NFkB, and its regulated proteins in protecting the cells from TNF-induced apoptosis. Lately also additional proteins that attenuate various apoptotic signals were identified (AKT proteins, STAT3, transforming growth factor-beta1, and others).
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