Schulamith Halevy
Anusim (Crypto-Judaism)
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I work alone.
I have never had assistants or helpers.
I have never been anyone's mentor or partner.
I hold no position in any organization.
I will never divulge anything told to me in confidence.
Anusim = forced converts (Hebrew), preferred term for descendants of Iberian converts [pronounced ah-noo-'sim]
Chueta = swine (Majorca), applied to Balearic New Christians
Converso = convert (Spanish), applies to former Jews and Moslems
Crypto-Jew , applies to converso or descendent who practices Judaism in secret
Marrano = swine (Spanish), applied to Iberian New Christians [uncertain etymology]
Meshumad = apostate (Hebrew), applies to converts by choice
New Christian = Converso or descendent
Tinoq Shenishba = captured child (Hebrew), legal term for Jew raised as non-Jew
Sephardi (Sefardi, Sefaradi) = Spaniard (Hebrew), Jew of Spanish origin (or [recent] one who follows Sephardic synagogue rite)
Sefardita = Spaniard (derived from Hebrew), Jew or Converso of Spanish-Jewish origin
Descendants of the
(Crypto-Jews) in Contemporary Mexico
The Last Inquisition (Spertus Inst., 1995)
Manifestations of Crypto-Judaism in the American Southwest (
Jewish Folklore & Ethnology Review
, 1996)
Anusim in North America: The Ingathering (
, 1995)
Obscure Practices among New World Anusim (
Prayers of Portuguese Anusim in Contemporary Brazil (
World Jewish Congress
, 1997)
Bein Shmad le-Anisut (
, 2006; in Hebrew)
The Leadership Role of Women among Anusim (in:
To Be a Jewish Woman: Proceedings of the First International Conference: Woman and Her Judaism
, Urim Publications, 2001; in Hebrew)
Blood in the Church: The Inquisition Against Hernando Alonso (
Hispania Judaica Bulletin
, 2011)
Reflections on the Current State of Latino-Jewish Heritage Research (in:
Iberian New Christians and Their Descendants
, Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2019)
Los Judios Secretos (
Linea Directa
, 1997)
In Recognition of a Martyr (Luis de Carvajal el Mozo) (
, 1997)
David's Return (
Linea Directa
, 1997)
Anusim Beyameinu (
36, 1997, in Hebrew)
Remembering Bertha (
, 1999, in Hebrew)
Roberto (
Bull. Jewish Historical Seminars #1
, 2000)
Sights and Sounds:
The Diary of Luis (Documentary Movie; Goldberg-Lerner Productions; 2022)
Interview with Rabbi Soloveichik (March 1998)
Lecture in San Pedro (July 2004)
Mifgashim: Interview on Israel Radio with "Yehuda"
Mifgashim: Interview on Israel Radio with Nissan ben-Avraham
More videos:
Click here
After 500 Years, Discovering Jewish Ties That Bind
, by Kathleen Teltsch (
New York Times
, November 12,1992)
Het ontdekken van cryptojoden als roeping
, by Alice ten Napel (Reformatorisch Dagblad, June 8, 2020; in Dutch)
Secret Jews Believe They Still Have Crosses to Bear
, by Tara Gruzen (
Chicago Tribune
, May 28, 1996)
“Welcome Them, But Respect Their Fear of Exposure”
, by Karen Primack (
, 1996)
El Lumbroso
(Spanish translation)
Santa Teresa of Avila
Your Reflection in My Mirror
(Spanish translation)
First Leadership Conference
Casa Amistad
About Conversion and Return
Official Return Certificate
(in Hebrew)
(in English)
New World Crypto-Judaism and Inquisitions
Articles on Modern New World Crypto-Judaism
Media Reports on Modern New World Crypto-Judaism
Letter to me from Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu, former Chief Rabbi (Hebrew)
Letter to me from Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik
Related Links:
Dinur Institute
Hispania Judaica
Inacio's Page
Netanya College International Institute for Secret Jews Studies
Sephardic Genealogy Resources
Southwest Jewish Archives
Other Voices:
Luis de Carvajal Day
(by Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago)
Talk in San Antonio by Aliza
Martyrdom of Luis de Carvajal el Mozo
(art by
Oscar Romero
Martyrdom of the Carvajal Family
(study for painting by
Alejandro Romero
Studies for Passover Hagaddah
Alejandro Romero
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