Selected Publications

Alfred Inselberg


·        with H. von Foerster & P. Weston, Memory and Inductive Inference, in Bionics, H. Oestreicher Ed., 31-68, Wiley,  N.Y. 1968.

·         Superpositions for Nonlinear Operators: I. Strong Superpositions and Linearizability, J. Math. Anal. &  Applic.  40(1972), 494-508.

·        Superpositions for Nonlinear Operators: II. Generalized Affine Operators, J. Math. Anal. & Applic. 41(1973),  260 - 269.

·        with R. Chadwick, Mathematical Model of the Cochlea: I. Formulation and Solutions, SIAM J. of Appl. Math.  30(1976), 149-163.

·         with R. Chadwick & K. Johnson, Mathematical Model of the Cochlea: II. Results and Conclusions, SIAM J.of  Appl. Math. 30(1976), 164-179.

·        Cubic Splines with Infinite Derivatives at Some Knots, IBM J. of R. & D. 20(1976), 430-436.

·        Cochlear Dynamics: Evolution of a Mathematical Model, SIAM Review 20(1978), 301-351.

·        N-Dimensional Coordinates, IEEE Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence (PAMI), "Picture Data Description & Management", Asilomar, California, 1980, 136 -- 1st International Conference where Parallel Coordinates were presented .

·        "N-Dimensional Graphics, Part I -- Lines and Hyperplanes”, in IBM LASC Tech. Rep. G320-2711, 140 pages, 1981

·        Parallel Coordinates for Multi-dimensional Information Displays, IEEE Proc. of Pecora Symp. Spatial Inform. Tech. for Remote Sensing, 1984, 312-324.

·        The Plane with Parallel Coordinates, Invited Paper, Visual Computer, 1(1985), 69-91.

·        Intelligent Instrumentation and Process Control, IEEE Conf. on AI & Applications, 1985, 302-307.

·        with M. Reif & T. Chomut, Convexity Algorithms in Parallel Coordinates, J. of ACM. 34(1987), 765-801.

·        with P. Fiorini, Configuration Space Representation in Parallel Coordinates, IEEE Conf. Robotics & Automation,  1215-1220.

·        Discovering Multi-Dimensional Structure with Parallel Coordinates, Invited Paper, Amer. Stat. Assoc. 150th Annual Conf. 1989, Stat. Graphics Section, 1-16.

·        Conflict Resolution, One-Shot Problem & Air Traffic Control, 1st Canadian Conf. on Comp. Geom., 1989, 26-9

·        with Y. Chen, M. Shieh, H. Lee, Planar Conflict Resolution Algorithms for Air Traffic Control, 2nd Canadian Conf. on Comput. Geom., 1990, 160-164.

·        Parallel Coordinates : A Tool for Visualizing Multi-Dimensional Geometry, IEEE VISUALIZATION Conf., 1990, 361-378.

·        with C.K. Hung, A New Representation of Hypersurfaces in Parallel Coordinates by the Tangent Hyperplanes, SIAM Conf. on Geom. Design, 1991, 11.

·        with B. Dimsdale, Multi-Dimensional Lines I : Representations, SIAM J. on Appl. Math, 54:2(1994),  559-577.

·        with B. Dimsdale, Multi-Dimensional Lines II : Proximity & Applications, SIAM J. on Appl. Math, 54:2(1994), 578-596.

·        with C.K. Hung and A. Chatterjee, Visualizing Multidimensional Geometry with Applications to Multivariate  Problems, SIGGRAPH 1995,  Invited Tutorial, ACM Press, New York 

·        Multidimensional Detective, in Information Visualization, S.Card, J. Mackinlay, B. Shneiderman (Editors), 1997,  107-114, Morgan- Kaufman, San Francisco

·        "Don't Panic ... Do it in Parallel",  Computational  Statistics , 14: 53-77, 1999

·        with T. Avidan, The Automated Multidimensional Detective, Proc. of IEEE InfoVis.Conf., 1999, San Francisco, 112-119

·        with T. Matskewich, Approximated Planes in Parallel Coordinates, Proc. Conf. on Curves and Surfaces, 2000 Saint-Malo, France, Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 257-67

·        with T. Avidan, Classification and Visualization for High-Dimensional Data,  Proc. KDD Conf. on Data Mining, Boston,  2000

·        Visualization and Data Mining of High-Dimensional Data, Chemometrics & Intelligent Lab. Systems,  60:147-59, 2002

·        Multidimensional Visualization and its Applications to Data Mining, Tutorial at KDD 2000, ACM Press, New York

·        Multidimensional Visualization and it's Applications, Publication for Tutorial  SIGGRAPH 2002, ACM Press, New York

·        Visualizing Learning and Concept Formation, Invited Paper, Kybernetes Journal, Special Issue Honoring H. Von Foerster,  2004


·        Parallel Coordinates : VISUAL Multidimensional Geometry and its Applications,  Textbook  554 pages, Color, Springer, New York , 2009 NEW



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