udocker - simple installations

Link to the updated guide:


container creation - examples:

link to udocker manual:

After container creation, we can install whatever we want. Simple inatallation instructions:

  1. Change exec mode:
    % udocker setup --execmode=P2 <my-container>
  2. Enter the container
    % udocker run --containerauth --user=root <my-container>
  3. Recommended before installations:
    root@nova $ apt update; apt upgrade -y; export DEBIAN_FRONEND=noninteractive
  4. Install - python, gcc, nano:
    root@nova $ apt install python3.9 python3.9-dev python3-pip build-essential nano
  5. Exit the container:
    root@nova $ exit
  6. Change exec mode back:
    % udocker setup --execmode=P1 <my-container>
  7. Run the container for use:
    % udocker run --bindhome <my-container>
    root@nova $ gcc --version

If you want to install something and you did not succeed - please contact us here. Write what you want to install, add screenshot and link and what steps did you do and where did you get stuck.


A PDF version: