
  Exact Minkowski sums of planar polygons

    An upcoming CGAL package, which computes the Minkowski sum of  two polygons in the plane in a robust and exact
    manner. The computation is based on the convolution method, which yields very fast running times. It also includes a
    function for computing the sum using the polygon-decomposition approach, as a reference.

    Source code (requires CGAL Version 3.2).

    Reference manual (postscript).
    Data sets. Each data set is a pait of files: name_part1.dat and name_part2.dat, which represent two input polygons.
    Each file begins with an integer n stating the number of vertices, followed by a list of
n points (the polygon vertices).
    Each point is given by a pair of rational coordinates.

        The Minkowski sum of two polygons (the "comb" data-set)