Current non-green Systems
Sat Jul 27 08:52:12 2024

conn cpu disk info memory mount msgs netstat ntp smtp ssh svcs trends uptime

  arie.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:red:1d05h42m cpu:clear:1d05h14m disk:clear:1d05h16m info:green: memory:clear:1d05h16m - msgs:clear:1d05h16m netstat:clear:1d05h14m - - - svcs:clear:1d05h15m trends:green: uptime:clear:1d05h15m
  delta-drupal-vm.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:193d21h02m - - info:green: - mount:green:2d15h37m - - ntp:red:1d02h19m smtp:green:1d00h39m ssh:green:1d00h39m - trends:green: -
  jiraffa.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:1d00h40m cpu:purple:1d00h28m disk:purple:1d00h28m info:green: memory:purple:1d00h28m - msgs:purple:1d00h28m netstat:purple:1d00h28m - - - svcs:purple:1d00h28m trends:green: uptime:purple:1d00h28m
  n-302.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:red:5d21h38m - - info:green: - mount:red:5d22h36m - - ntp:clear:5d21h38m smtp:clear:5d21h38m ssh:clear:5d21h38m - trends:green: -
  n-307.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:red:5h08m - - info:green: - - - - ntp:clear:5h08m smtp:clear:5h08m ssh:clear:5h08m - trends:green: -
  nova.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:1d15h25m - - info:green: - mount:green:1d15h22m - - ntp:red:1d03h26m smtp:green:1d15h02m ssh:green:1d15h02m - trends:green: -
  petel.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:red:1d05h42m cpu:clear:1d05h38m disk:clear:1d05h38m info:green: memory:clear:1d05h38m - msgs:clear:1d05h38m netstat:clear:1d05h38m - - - svcs:clear:1d05h38m trends:green: uptime:clear:1d05h38m
  rack-bgw-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:red:148d17h58m - - info:green: - mount:red:148d17h51m - - ntp:clear:148d17h58m smtp:clear:148d17h58m ssh:clear:148d17h58m - trends:green: -
  rack-gamir-g12.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:195d14h11m - - info:green: - mount:green:50d22h51m - - ntp:red:34d20h26m smtp:green:2d16h39m ssh:green:34d20h16m - trends:green: -
  rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:83d00h45m - - info:green: - mount:red:2h52m - - ntp:red:40s smtp:red:1h21m ssh:red:5m - trends:green: -
  rack-shamir5.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:red:39d00h52m - - info:green: - mount:red:39d00h52m - - ntp:clear:39d00h51m smtp:clear:39d00h51m ssh:clear:39d00h51m - trends:green: -
  soul.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:29d19h58m - - info:green: - mount:green:34d00h06m - - ntp:red:28d08h02m smtp:green:29d19h56m ssh:green:29d19h56m - trends:green: -
  sys18-dev.cs.tau.ac.ilconn:green:195d14h11m - - info:green: - mount:red:1d18h07m - - ntp:green:11d23h23m smtp:green:18d20h56m ssh:green:29d20h45m - trends:green: -

54 events received in the past 222 minutes
Sat Jul 27 08:51:32 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 08:46:28 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 08:41:26 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 08:36:22 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 08:31:20 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 08:11:11 2024 rack-wolfson2.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 08:01:05 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 08:01:05 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:56:03 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 07:56:03 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:51:00 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:49:13 2024 sys18-dev xymond yellow From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:45:57 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 07:44:13 2024 sys18-dev xymond green From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 07:40:54 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:40:32 2024 rack-wolfson2.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:36:31 2024 rack-wolfson2.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:35:51 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:35:51 2024 rack-wolfson2.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:35:51 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:31:28 2024 rack-wolfson2.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:30:47 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 07:30:47 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il smtp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:30:47 2024 rack-wolfson2.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:25:45 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il smtp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:15:40 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:10:37 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 07:05:34 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 07:04:28 2024 odem.cs.tau.ac.il msgs yellow From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 07:00:31 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 06:55:28 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 06:29:13 2024 sys18-dev xymond yellow From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 06:24:13 2024 sys18-dev xymond green From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 06:20:06 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 06:17:39 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 06:16:35 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 06:15:02 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 06:14:28 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 06:09:13 2024 sys18-dev xymond yellow From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 06:04:25 2024 odem.cs.tau.ac.il msgs green From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 06:04:13 2024 sys18-dev xymond green From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 06:00:51 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 06:00:51 2024 n-401.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 06:00:12 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il mount green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 05:59:53 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 05:59:53 2024 n-401.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 05:59:49 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh yellow From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 05:58:46 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh red From -> To yellow
Sat Jul 27 05:54:48 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il ssh green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 05:54:48 2024 rack-gww-dgx1.cs.tau.ac.il smtp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 05:15:00 2024 delta-wordpress1-vm.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 05:14:34 2024 delta-wordpress1-vm.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red
Sat Jul 27 05:09:56 2024 delta-wordpress1-vm.cs.tau.ac.il ntp red From -> To green
Sat Jul 27 05:09:30 2024 delta-wordpress1-vm.cs.tau.ac.il ntp green From -> To red

No events acknowledged in the last 240 minutes

Xymon 4.3.28