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Package: stsdas.analysis.restore

Help file updated: Jul91



Fourier noniterative image restoration techniques have as their main advantage the short computation time they take to produce a solution, when compared with more elaborate iterative restoration methods. Also, they are strictly linear by design. The reason behind that computational efficiency lies in the fact that the computations are made in the Fourier transform domain, where the 2-D matrix operations needed for inverting the imaging equation are expressible as 1-D vector-only operations. Also, the existence of very efficient FFT algorithms adds to the overall efficiency of the technique.

The Wiener filter approach tries to build an "optimal" estimate of the original, undegraded image, by enforcing a minimum mean-square-error constraint between estimate and original images, under the assumption of adequate spatial sampling and signal-independent noise [1]. A less strict least-squares deviation criterion leads to the usual inverse filter. Under the minimum mean-square-error constraint, the filter assumes a functional form that involves essentially the blur matrix (PSF) and the original image and noise autocorrelation matrices. Here we come to the first problem: besides knowledge about the PSF, some a priori knowledge about the original, undegraded image itself must be available, in order to perform the restoration. This knowledge is unecessary in the case of inverse filter, since it depends only on the PSF matrix. However, its ill-conditioned behavior limits its use to very high signal-to-noise ratio images.

For the most general case, a matrix inversion with size of the order of N**2, where N is the number of pixels in the image, is required. This is clearly an unfeasible task for reasonabily sized images, unless simplifications can be found. Additional assumptions and approximations about the structure of the original, undegraded image, as well as the PSF nature, must be done.

The first approximation is to assume a spatially-invariant PSF. This introduces so-called block-Toeplitz structure in the PSF matrix. A second approximation is to assume that inter-pixel correlation is negligible beyond a certain distance between pixels. Most important, however, is the additional assumption that the image structure (texture) can be modelled by a wide-sense stationary stochastic process; that is, a process whose autocorrelation function is invariant with respect to spatial coordinate translations. Also, constant mean must be assumed for this process. Under all these assumptions, the autocorrelation matrices will also show block-Toeplitz structure similar to the PSF matrix. For large sizes, Toeplitz and block-Toeplitz matrices can be approximated by circulant and block-circulant matrices, respectively. Since circulant matrices are readily diagonalized by the Fourier transform matrix (that is, the Fourier transform coefficients are the eingenvalues of a circulant [2]), the problem reduces to a scalar inversion in the Fourier transform domain, subject to a constraint dictated by the image and noise second-order statistics. Notice that the circulant approximation is equivalent to assuming periodicity in the image and PSF matrices.

Now lets resume the approximations adopted in deriving the fast-computation Wiener restoration:

Image and noise are wide-sense stationary with constant mean. Their autocorrelation functions are known a priori.
PSF is spatially invariant.
Image and PSF are periodic.
PSF is not undersampled.
Noise is signal-independent.

In the case of HST images, none of these assumptions are completely satisfied. In particular, a typical astronomical image shows regions with very different correlation functions: nearby a star image, inter-pixel correlation is very high; in sky background regions correlation is low. In other words, the stationarity hypothesis does not apply to those images. This is the main reason why Wiener filter restorations look of lower quality than more expensive methods, which in some way take into account the spatially variant image statistics. Of course, a spatially variant PSF and significant undersampling (WF/PC) also contribute to the lower restoration quality atainable with Wiener restoration.

Another Wiener filter drawback comes directly from the minimum mean-square-error constraint. It is known from psychophysics that the human eye is not a minimum mean-square-error detector. The eye is willing to accept more noise than allowed for by the Wiener filter, provided this noise is spatially associated with sharp intensity changes. The stationarity hypothesis plus the minimum mean-square-error constraint result in restored images having an unpleasantly smooth look.

Nevertheless, experience with a limited number of HST images (mostly FOC f/96, where the PSF may be assumed to be spatially invariant, and is adequately sampled) has shown that acceptable restorations can be atained by the Wiener filter. For WF/PC images, lower quality results must be expected, of course. The main advantage over iterative methods is execution speed. In a Sparc 2, a 512 X 512 image may take 10-15 CPU minutes to be deconvolved by the Richardson-Lucy algorithm, while the same image is restored in 50-90 CPU seconds by the Wiener filter. We may see it as a "quick-look" tool, capable of producing acceptable (not the best possible) restorations in a very short time, while the final restoration is performed by a costlier iterative algorithm.


The most general filter implementation may be written as in [1]:

G(u,v) = F(u,v) * (I(u,v) ** alpha) * (W(u,v) ** (1.-alpha))

where G(u,v) is the estimated image Fourier transform, F(u,v) is the input, degraded image Fourier transform, I(u,v) is the inverse filter function, W(u,v) is the Wiener filter function, and alpha is a parameter. For alpha=0 we have the standard Wiener filter, and for alpha=1. the standard inverse filter. By varying alpha between 0. and 1. we may emphasize the relative effect of each filter. The so-called geometric mean filter is obtained setting alpha=0.5. This geometric mean filter was introduced [1] as an attempt to de-emphasize the low-frequency dominance of the Wiener filter, while avoiding the early singularity of the inverse filter.

The inverse filter is simply:

H*(u,v) I(u,v) = ---------------- (abs(H(u,v)))**2

and the Wiener filter is:

H*(u,v) W(u,v) = --------------------------------------- (abs(H(u,v)))**2 + (Pn(u,v) / Pg(u,v))

where H(u,v) is the PSF Fourier transform, H*(u,v) its complex conjugate, Pn(u,v) is the noise power spectrum, and Pg(u,v) the original, undegraded image, power spectrum (u,v is spatial frequency).


The a priori knowledge about the undegraded image manifests itself in the Pg(u,v) and Pn(u,v) terms, which are essentially the Fourier transforms of the image and noise autocorrelation functions, respectively. The STSDAS implementation provides a range of choices for these image and noise models.

3.1 Noise

Noise is assumed to be white (that is Pn(u,v) = Pn = constant), and is measured at a certain fixed frequency

fnoise = sqrt (u**2 + v**2)

in the image Fourier transform F(u,v), averaging the power in all (u,v) pixels satisfying relation above. If not supplied by the user, the program uses the largest value of fnoise available. This assumes that, at these large frequencies, signal power is negligible with respect to noise power. Notice that this may not be true in the case of undersampled images.

It is possible to introduce a modification in the Wiener filter derivation, to take into account signal-dependent noise [3,4]. The STSDAS implementation includes that modification, for the case of Poisson noise. This usually produces, when applicable, slight, but noticeabily better restorations, than the standard independent noise model.

3.2 Signal

For the undegraded image model Pg(u,v), the available options are:

This is the simplest image model. Pg(u,v) is assumed to be constant and equal to the average power in the input image.
A good bet is to assume that the input image power spectrum is a reasonable estimate of the undegraded image power spectrum. The observed image power spectrum may be written in terms of the original image, PSF and noise, as:

Pf(u,v) =~ (abs(H(u,v)))**2 * Pg(u,v) + Pn(u,v)

After subtracting the noise contribution, Pg(u,v) may be estimated from the observed Pf(u,v). Using directly H(u,v)**2 usually induces strong high frequency noise in the solution. A better approach is to simply multiply Pf(u,v) by a "correlation parameter" > 1, to correct for the effects of H(u,v)**2. This approach usually works well in terrestrial scenes with small blurs, where image correlation is large. In a typical HST stellar field scene, however, where the input image power spectrum is dominated by the PSF power spetrum, noticeable artifacts may be introduced in the restoration.
It is known that, for terrestrial scenes, a first-order Markov stochastic process is a good model for the image structure (texture) [5]. In such a process, the autocorrelation matrix depends only on nearest-neighbor pixel correlation. The program measures average inter-pixel correlation in the input image and builds Pg(u,v) as a (circularly symmetric) Markov spectrum. This usually produces the best restorations in terrestrial scenes. In HST images there is a tendency to strongly low-pass filter the image. This is because the average inter-pixel correlation in a scene dominated by sky background is very small. Under such conditions, the computed Markov spectrum will show very low powers at high spatial frequencies, thus strongly de-emphasizing these frequencies. The geometric filter form is a useful compromise in compensating that behavior.
In some circunstances, we may be interested in restoring optimally some specific structure in the image. In the particular case of HST stellar fields, this particular structure may be a star image. We may adopt as signal model the shape of such a star image; in the current implementation, the adopted model is a Gaussian shape. Notice that this will produce non-optimal restoration of the sky background, effectively enhancing the high frequency noise in that background. Nevertheless, it may be the best signal model when we are interested in restoring star images in a crowded field with a minimum amount of contamination [6]. It may be argued that the best model would be instead an Airy diffraction pattern compatible with the telescope pupil characteristics. Experiments with this image model showed an intolerable amount of "ringing" around star images. This is because the noise suppression mechanism in the Wiener filter introduces such ringing associated with abrupt intensity changes [7]. This mechanism enhances the already present ring structure in the diffraction pattern.
As a compromise between the Gaussian signal model, and the input image signal model (for HST images), we may take the degraded star, that is, the PSF itself, as signal model.
external image
In some circunstances, there may be available other images which belong to the same "ensemble" as the image being restored. More specifically, an external image with similar second-order statistics as the one being restored is available. This image may be used as source for the signal model Pg(u,v).

There is one more implemented functional form for the Wiener filter, the so called parametric filter. It completely ignores the points discussed above, and uses as substitute for the term Pn(u,v)/Pg(u,v) a parameter gamma. Small values of gamma will enhance the high frequency content on the restored image; large values will enhance the low-pass filter characteristics. In the current implementation, the value of gamma input by the user is actually multiplied by the average of Pn(u,v)/Pg(u,v), with both power spectra measured in the input image. Gamma thus represents the input image average noise-to-signal ratio in frequency space.


First, the user must be aware that the restoration quality depends, more than everything else, on the quality of the available PSF image. This is related to the problem of so-called consistent convolutions [8].

Regarding signal model choice, the best approach when trying to deconvolve an image for the first time is to leave all filter settings at their default values. These include: ftype=Wiener, signalm=white (notice that this is precisely the same filter generated by the combination ftype=parametric, gamma=1.). Another suitable starting point could be ftype=geometric, signalm=Markov. Both of these settings have the advantage of being independent of any numerical input parameter, and are representative of the "average" filter for the image being studied.

If the goal is to restore stellar images, the Gaussian signal model should be tried. To minimize ringing around very bright stars, as well as sky background noise, a mild (fwhm ~ 1.5 - 2 pixels) low-pass filter may be useful. Another way to avoid ringing it is to resort to the inverse plus low-pass filter [7]. However, stellar shapes will become more erratic along the image.

For extended object restoration, a good bet is the ftype=geometric, signalm=Markov model.

As a last comment, we must stress that most of the results obtained with the more sophisticated signal models could be approximatelly arrived at by the simpler parametric and pure inverse filters, if coupled to a suitably chosen low-pass filter. The values of gamma and fwhm have to be chosen by trial and error, until a "satisfactory" image is obtained. This approach has two disadvantages relative to the more elaborate filters: the results are only approximately equal; and, we do not know precisely which criteria is being used for the restoration. In other words, we do not know how far, and for which spatial structures and frequencies, we are from the optimal minimum mean-square-error criterion.


ANDREWS, H.C., HUNT, B.R., 1977, "Digital Image Restoration", Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
HUNT, B.R., 1971, "A Matrix Theory Proof of the Discrete Convolution Theorem", IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacustics, v.AU-19, p.285
KONDO, K., ICHIOKA, Y., SUZUKI, T., 1977, "Image Restoration by Wiener Filtering in the Presence of Signal-dependent Noise", Applied Optics, v.16, p.2554
WHAL, F.M., 1987, "Digital Image Signal Processing", Artech House, London.
PRATT, W.K., 1978, "Digital Image Processing", John Wiley, New York.
BUSKO, I.C., 1991, "Wiener Restoration of HST Images: Signal Models and Photometric Behavior", in: First Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, Tucson.
LAGENDIJK, R.L, BIEMOND, J., BOEKEE, D.E., 1986, "Iterative Image Restoration with Ringing Reduction", in: Signal Processing III: Theories and Applications, I.T. Young (editors), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland.
BATES, R.H.T., McDONNELL, M.J., 1986, "Image Restoration and Reconstruction", Claredon Press, Oxford.


Ivo Busko Astrophysics Division National Space Research Institute, Brazil 47556::BUSKO