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The Algorithm:

Compute V(A, B) while saving the values of the ${{n}\over{2}}$-th row. Denote D(A,B) as the Forward Matrix F.
Compute V(Ar, Br) while saving the ${{n}\over{2}}$-th row. Denote D(Ar, Br) as the Backward Matrix B.
Find the column k* so that the crossing point ( ${{n}\over{2}}$, k*) satisfies:
$F({{n}\over{2}}, k^{*}) + B({{n}\over{2}}, m - k^{*}) = F(n,m)$
Now that k* is found, recursively partition the problem to two sub problems:
(i) Find the path from (0,0) to ( ${{n}\over{2}}$, k*).
(ii) Find the path from (n, m) to ( ${{n}\over{2}}$, m - k*).

Lemma 2.11   Time complexity of Hirschberg's algorithm is O(nm).

Proof:Time complexity
Let T*(n,m) = Time to find the value of a $n\times{m}$ problem. Let T(n,m) = Time to find the path (solution) of a $n\times{m}$ problem.

T^{*}(n,m) = 2T(n,m) + T^{*}({{n}\over{2}}, k^{*}) +
T^{*}({{n}\over{2}}, m - k^{*})
\end{displaymath} (2.1)

T(n,m)=cnm, therefore T*(n,m) = 4T(n,m) = 4cnm. according to 2.1: $4cnm = 2cnm + 4c({{n}\over{2}} \times k^{*})+4c({{n}\over{2}} \times (m-k^{*}))$. Therefore, the time complexity will remain O(nm).

Lemma 2.12   Space complexity of Hirschberg's algorithm is O(m)

Proof:Space Complexity
Each Dynamic Programming computation requires storing one additional row (middle one) which can be discarded once the middle point is found. Therefore the space complexity will be O(m).

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Itshack Pe`er