Combinatorics Seminar

When: Sunday, March 18, 10am
Where: Schreiber 309
Speaker: Doron Puder, Hebrew University
Title: Uniform Words are Primitive


Let G be a finite group, and let a,b,c,... be random elements of G, chosen at uniform distribution. What is the distribution of the element obtained by a fixed word in the letters a,b,c,..., such as ab,a^2, a^2bc^2b, or aba^(-2)b^(-1)? More concretely, do these new random elements have uniform distribution? In general, a free word w in the free group F_k is called uniform if for every finite group G, the word map $w: G^k \to G$ induces uniform distribution on G (given uniform distribution on G^k). So which words are uniform? This question is strongly connected to the notion of primitive words in the free group F_k. The word w is called primitive if it belongs to some basis, i.e. a free generating set. It is an easy observation that a primitive word is uniform. It was conjectured that the converse is also true. We prove it for F_2, and more recently in a joint work with O. Parzanchevski, we manage to prove the conjecture in full. The symmetric group S_n plays a crucial role in the proof, and mostly the average number of fixed points in a random permutation induced by some fixed word w. Much of the talk will be dedicated to the translation of the problem to a problem about random coverings of finite graphs.

I will try to define and explain all notions, as much as time permits.