Combinatorics Seminar

When: Sunday, March 11, 10am
Where: Schreiber 309
Speaker: Chaim Even Zohar, Hebrew University
Title: Compression Methods and Sums of Sets in (Z_2)^n


Denote by F(K) the maximum of the ratio between the cardinality of the span of A and that of A over all subsets A of (Z_2)^n with |A+A|/|A| <= K. Using methods of subset compression, Green and Tao and Konyagin found F(K) = Theta( poly(K) 4^K ). Elaborating on these methods, we explicitly calculate F(K), and in particular show it is Theta( 4^K / K ). More generally, we give a fairly tight lower bound on |A+B|, where A and B are two generating subsets of (Z_2)^n of prescribed cardinalities.