DREAM - Detecting RNA Editing Association with MiRNAs

Based on the following publications:

Alon S, Erew M, Eisenberg E (2015). DREAM: a webserver for the identification of editing sites in mature miRNAs using deep sequencing data. Bioinformatics, 31:2568-2570.

Alon S, Eisenberg E (2013). Identifying RNA editing sites in miRNAs by deep sequencing. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1038:159-170.

Alon S, Mor E, Vigneault F, Gallo A, Locatelli F, Church GM, Shomron N, Eisenberg E (2012). Systematic identification of edited microRNAs in the human brain. Genome Research, 22:1533-1540.

Pre-Processing of the Fastq File

If you are using the default Illumina output file, adaptors are already removed and no further pre-processing is required. Otherwise, you need to supply the proper adaptors for pre-processing.

5 Adaptor
3 Adaptor
Multiple-Correction Procedure
Bonferroni correction is more stringent, but might lead to missing true editing sites. Note that the default P-value cutoff, either Bonferroni corrected or Benjamini-Hochberg corrected, is set to a high value. The results file contains all the P-values, allowing the user to see directly the effect of various cutoffs on the number of detected sites, and filter the results file accordingly.
Email for results

A confirmation email will be sent to you upon completion of upload. Therein, we will provide the estimated time at which the results will be ready, based on the amount of your data and the files in queue. When processing is complete, the results will be sent to you in a separate email. Please avoid multiple uploads of the same data, unless the upload itself was faulty (based on the first email you got). Thank you for your patience!

Email address
Upload Fastq Sequencing File of Mature miRNA

Upload Fastq Format files only

(please choose a unique name for each uploaded file)

Preferably, upload your data to Dropbox (see below). This allows for faster file transfer, and enables multiple analyses of the same data, if needed

Enter a direct link to the data file. This can be done by uploading the data to a public directory in a dropbox account, then click 'Copy public link'.

In addition to the Fastq format, using the direct link the following compressed file formats are allowed: zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 and rar. The name of the compressed file must match the name of the fastq file, for example: 'a_data.fastq' should be zipped to 'a_data.zip'.

Use this option only if a Dropbox upload is impossible. If you do use this option, do no upload your file multiple times with the same name. Make sure not to disconnect while the upload is in progress. Multiple files can be uploaded simultaneously, use the Control key to select the required files.

the following compressed file formats are allowed: zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 and rar. The name of the compressed file must match the name of the fastq file, for example: 'a_data.fastq' should be zipped to 'a_data.zip'. Make sure not to disconnect while the upload is in progress. Multiple files can be uploaded simultaneously, use the Control key to select the required files.

Fastq file of mature miRNAs from mouse cerebellum (accession number SRR346417)