#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "mix.h"

// global variables

FILE *log_file, *values_file;


int current_table_state;


double alpha, epsilon;

int player_round = XPLAYER;

int human = EMPTY;

int winner;

int NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 500;

int run_ix;



//////////// Init procedure //////////


void InitGame(void) {

int r_ix, c_ix;

// init table

for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM ; r_ix++) {

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix] = 0;



current_table_state = 0;

// init winner

winner = FALSE;

} // end of InitGame



/////////// function IsMateExist return TRUE if found sequence _PPP_ /////

/////////// where P is PLAYER's symbol and _ is available slot /////


int IsMateExist(int player) {

int r_ix, c_ix;

for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM ; r_ix++) {

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM-WINNING_LENGTH ; c_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+1] == player &&

GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+2] == player &&

GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+3] == player) {

if ( GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix] == EMPTY &&

(r_ix == ROWS_NUM-1 || GAME_TABLE[r_ix+1][c_ix] != EMPTY)



(r_ix == ROWS_NUM-1 || GAME_TABLE[r_ix+1][c_ix+WINNING_LENGTH] != EMPTY) )

return TRUE;




return FALSE;

} // end of IsMateExist



/////// function GetEmptySlotOfCol return index of the available slot of COL ////


int GetEmptySlotOfCol(int col) {

int r_ix;

for (r_ix=ROWS_NUM-1 ; r_ix >=0 ; r_ix--) {

if ( GAME_TABLE[r_ix][col] == EMPTY) {

return r_ix;




} // end of GetEmptySlotOfCol



/////////// function IsChessExist return TRUE if found sequence of /////

/////////// WINNING_LENGTH-1 PLAYER's symbol where the missing one is /////

/////////// empty. If POTENTIAL is FALSE then check also if the empty /////

/////////// slot is available. /////


int IsChessExist(int player, int potential) {

int r_ix, c_ix, w_ix;

int counter, empty_slot, seq;

// check horizontal sequence

for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM ; r_ix++) {

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM-WINNING_LENGTH+1 ; c_ix++) {

counter = 0;

empty_slot = -1;

for (w_ix=0 ; w_ix<WINNING_LENGTH ; w_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+w_ix] == player) counter++;

else if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+w_ix] == EMPTY) empty_slot = c_ix+w_ix;


// check if all but one empty slot are of PLAYER's symbol

if (counter == WINNING_LENGTH-1 && empty_slot != -1) {

// check if not Mate already

if ( c_ix == 0 ||


(GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix-1] != EMPTY || GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+WINNING_LENGTH-1] != EMPTY) ) {

// check if potential or real

if (potential ||

(r_ix == ROWS_NUM-1 || GAME_TABLE[r_ix+1][empty_slot] != EMPTY))

return TRUE;





// check vertical sequence

if (! potential) {

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

r_ix = GetEmptySlotOfCol(c_ix);

if (r_ix != NOT_AVAILABLE_COL) {


seq = TRUE;

for (w_ix=1 ; w_ix<WINNING_LENGTH ; w_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix+w_ix][c_ix] != player) {

seq = FALSE;




if (seq) return TRUE;





return FALSE;

} // end of IsChessExist



/////////// function IsWinningSequenceExist return TRUE if PLAYER has /////

/////////// a winning sequence, FALSE otherwise. /////


int IsWinningSequenceExist(int player) {

int r_ix, c_ix, w_ix;

int seq;

// check vertical sequence

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM-WINNING_LENGTH+1 ; r_ix++) {

seq = TRUE;

for (w_ix=0 ; w_ix<WINNING_LENGTH ; w_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix+w_ix][c_ix] != player) {

seq = FALSE;




if (seq) return TRUE;



// check horizontal sequence

for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM ; r_ix++) {

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM-WINNING_LENGTH+1 ; c_ix++) {

seq = TRUE;

for (w_ix=0 ; w_ix<WINNING_LENGTH ; w_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix+w_ix] != player) {

seq = FALSE;




if (seq) return TRUE;



return FALSE;

} // end of IsWinningSequenceExist



/////////// procedure GetTableState return order number of the state ////////

/////////// in which the game is according to GAME_TABLE ////////


int GetTableState() {

int state;

if (IsWinningSequenceExist(XPLAYER)) return X_WINNING_STATE;

if (IsWinningSequenceExist(OPLAYER)) return O_WINNING_STATE;

// calculate first bit

state = (player_round == OPLAYER);

// calculate second bit

state = state + 2*(IsMateExist(XPLAYER));

// calculate third bit

state = state + 4*(IsMateExist(OPLAYER));

// calculate fourth bit

state = state + 8*(IsChessExist(XPLAYER, FALSE));

// calculate fifth bit

state = state + 16*(IsChessExist(OPLAYER, FALSE));

// calculate sixth bit

state = state + 32*(IsChessExist(XPLAYER, TRUE));

// calculate seventh bit

state = state + 64*(IsChessExist(OPLAYER, TRUE));

return state;

} // end of GetTableState



///////// procedure PrintSarsaValuesToLog print the sarsa values to FILE /////////


void PrintSarsaValuesToLog(FILE *file) {

int plr_ix, val_ix;

for (plr_ix=0 ; plr_ix<PLAYERS_NUMBER ; plr_ix++) {

for (val_ix=0 ; val_ix<MDP_STATES_NUMBER ; val_ix++) {

fprintf(file, "%2.3f ", sarsa_values[plr_ix][val_ix]);

if (val_ix%10 == 9) fprintf(file, "\n");



fprintf(file, "\n");




///////// procedure ReadSarsaValuesFromFile init sarsa values according to FILE /////////


void ReadSarsaValuesFromFile(FILE *file) {

int plr_ix, val_ix;

float val;

for (plr_ix=0 ; plr_ix<PLAYERS_NUMBER ; plr_ix++) {

for (val_ix=0 ; val_ix<MDP_STATES_NUMBER ; val_ix++) {

fscanf(values_file, "%f ", &val);

sarsa_values[plr_ix][val_ix] = val;






///////// procedure PrintTable print GAME_TABLE to log file or screen /////////


void PrintTable(int TO_LOG) {

int r_ix, c_ix;

char ch;

for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM ; r_ix++) {

if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "|");

else printf("|");

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix] == EMPTY) ch = ' ';

else if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][c_ix] == XPLAYER) ch = 'X';

else ch = 'O';

if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, " %c ", ch);

else printf(" %c ", ch);


if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "|\n");

else printf("|\n");


if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "|");

else printf("|");

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "---");

else printf("---");


if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "|\n");

else printf("|\n");

if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "|");

else printf("|");

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "-%d-", (c_ix+1)%10);

else printf("-%d-", (c_ix+1)%10);


if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "|\n");

else printf("|\n");

// if (TO_LOG) fprintf(log_file, "STATE = %d, TURN = %d \n", GetTableState(GAME_TABLE), player_round);

printf("STATE = %d, TURN = %d \n", current_table_state, player_round);

if (TO_LOG) PrintSarsaValuesToLog(log_file);

} // end of PrintTable



/////////// procedure UpdateSarsaValues update PREV_STATE value /////////

/////////// according to current state /////////


void UpdateSarsaValues(int prev_state) {

sarsa_values[XPLAYER-1][prev_state] = (double) ((1-alpha) * sarsa_values[XPLAYER-1][prev_state] +

alpha * sarsa_values[XPLAYER-1][current_table_state]);

sarsa_values[OPLAYER-1][prev_state] = (double) ((1-alpha) * sarsa_values[OPLAYER-1][prev_state] +

alpha * sarsa_values[OPLAYER-1][current_table_state]);

} // end of UpdateSarsaValues



/////////// Procedure ChangeTurn set round to be of other player ////////


void ChangeTurn(void) {

if (player_round == XPLAYER) player_round = OPLAYER;

else player_round = XPLAYER;




/////////// procedure InsertToTable put PLAYERS's symbol in COL, ///////////

/////////// change turn and update sarsa values ///////////


void InsertToTable(int col) {

int row = GetEmptySlotOfCol(col);

int prev_state = current_table_state;


printf("NOT LEGAL PLAY ! (%d,%d)\n", row, col);



GAME_TABLE[row][col] = player_round;


current_table_state = GetTableState();


} // end of InsertToTable



/////////// procedure RemoveFromTable remove one player's ///////////

/////////// symbol from COL. ///////////


void RemoveFromTable(int col) {

int r_ix;


for (r_ix=0 ; r_ix<ROWS_NUM ; r_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[r_ix][col] != EMPTY) {

GAME_TABLE[r_ix][col] = EMPTY;




current_table_state = GetTableState();

} // end of RemoveFromTable



/////////// Procedure CalculateMax return the index of the biggest ////////

/////////// value in VAL_ARRAY. ////////


int CalculateMax(double val_array[COLS_NUM]) {

int ix;

int max_ix;

int multiple_max = 0;

double max_val;

max_val = val_array[0];

max_ix = 0;

for (ix=1 ; ix <COLS_NUM ; ix++) {

if (max_val < val_array[ix]) {

max_val = val_array[ix];

max_ix = ix;

multiple_max = 0;


else if (max_val == val_array[ix]) {

multiple_max = -1; // indicate more than one maximum



if (multiple_max == -1) { // get one random max val


max_ix = rand()%COLS_NUM;

while (val_array[max_ix] != max_val);


if (human != EMPTY) printf ("I put mine in col %d. \n", max_ix+1);

return max_ix;

} // end of CalculateMax



/////////// Procedure CalculateMin return the index of the smallest ////////

/////////// value in VAL_ARRAY. ////////


int CalculateMin(double val_array[COLS_NUM]) {

int ix;

int min_ix;

int multiple_min = 0;

double min_val;

min_val = val_array[0];

min_ix = 0;

for (ix=1 ; ix <COLS_NUM ; ix++) {

if (min_val > val_array[ix]) {

min_val = val_array[ix];

min_ix = ix;

multiple_min = 0;


else if (min_val == val_array[ix]) {

multiple_min = -1; // indicate more than one maximum



if (multiple_min == -1) { // get one random min val


min_ix = rand()%COLS_NUM;

while (val_array[min_ix] != min_val);


//if (human != EMPTY) printf ("--min- %d(%2.3f) --- \n", min_ix+1, val_array[min_ix]);

//fprintf (log_file, "--min- %d(%2.3f) --- \n", min_ix+1, val_array[min_ix]);

return min_ix;

} // end of CalculateMin



/////////// function EndOfGame return FALSE if game is not over, ////

/////////// winner code otherwise ////


int EndOfGame(void) {

int c_ix;

int full_table = TRUE;

// check existence of unoccupied place

for (c_ix=0 ; c_ix<COLS_NUM ; c_ix++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[0][c_ix] == EMPTY) {

full_table = FALSE;




if (full_table) return DRAW;

if (IsWinningSequenceExist(XPLAYER)) return XPLAYER;

if (IsWinningSequenceExist(OPLAYER)) return OPLAYER;

return FALSE;

} // end of EndOfGame



/////////// procedure CalculateFutureValues calculates future sarsa values /////////

/////////// for any avaliable column for the next two plays /////////


void CalculateFutureValues(double future_values[COLS_NUM][COLS_NUM]) {

int col_ix1, col_ix2;

int acting_player = player_round-1;

int is_draw;

for (col_ix1=0 ; col_ix1<COLS_NUM ; col_ix1++) {

if (GAME_TABLE[0][col_ix1] != EMPTY)

// not available col

for (col_ix2=0 ; col_ix2<COLS_NUM ; col_ix2++)

future_values[col_ix1][col_ix2] = (double) 2;

else {

// available col

// simulate player play


// simulate other play

is_draw = (EndOfGame() == DRAW);

for (col_ix2=0 ; col_ix2<COLS_NUM ; col_ix2++) {

if (current_table_state == X_WINNING_STATE || current_table_state == O_WINNING_STATE) {

future_values[col_ix1][col_ix2] = sarsa_values[acting_player][current_table_state];


else {

if (is_draw) future_values[col_ix1][col_ix2] = 1.5;

else {

if (GAME_TABLE[0][col_ix2] != EMPTY)

// not available col

future_values[col_ix1][col_ix2] = (double) 2;

else {

// available col


future_values[col_ix1][col_ix2] = sarsa_values[acting_player][current_table_state];









} // end of CalculateFutureValues



/////////// Procedure GetPlay choose action for player according to eps/////

/////////// if exploration then randomiclly if exploitation then accordng /////

/////////// to sarsa values. /////


void GetPlay() {

int col;

int rnd;

int col_ix, col_ix1;

double future_future_values[COLS_NUM][COLS_NUM];

double future_values[COLS_NUM];

rnd = rand()%100;

if ( (100 * epsilon) < rnd) {

if (human != EMPTY) printf("explore...\n");

// exploration - get random free col


col = rand()%COLS_NUM;

while (GAME_TABLE[0][col] != EMPTY);


else {

// exploitation - compute future values for any avaliable column


for (col_ix=0 ; col_ix<COLS_NUM ; col_ix++) {

future_values[col_ix] = future_future_values[col_ix][CalculateMin(future_future_values[col_ix])];

if (future_values[col_ix] == 2) future_values[col_ix] = -2; // anavilable col


/* fprintf(log_file, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n"); */

/* for (col_ix=0 ; col_ix<COLS_NUM ; col_ix++) { */

/* for (col_ix1=0 ; col_ix1<COLS_NUM ; col_ix1++) { */

/* fprintf(log_file, " %2.3f", future_future_values[col_ix][col_ix1]); */

/* } */

/* fprintf(log_file, " \n"); */

/* } */

/* fprintf(log_file, "------------------------------- \n"); */

/* for (col_ix=0 ; col_ix<COLS_NUM ; col_ix++) { */

/* fprintf(log_file, " %2.3f", future_values[col_ix]); */

/* } */

/* fprintf(log_file, " \n"); */

/* fprintf(log_file, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n"); */

col = CalculateMax(future_values);



} // end of GetPlay



/////////////// main procedure ////////////////////


void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

time_t dummy; // for random

char learning_need = TRUE;

char selection;

char str_selection[10];

int col_selection;

int plr_ix, val_ix;

int col;

// init game


// for random


// sarsa value initialization

if ((values_file = fopen("mix.init", "r")) == NULL) {

printf("can't open file %s - will perform %d learning games. \n", "mix.init", NUMBER_OF_RUNS);

for (plr_ix=0 ; plr_ix<PLAYERS_NUMBER ; plr_ix++) {

for (val_ix=0 ; val_ix<MDP_STATES_NUMBER ; val_ix++) {

sarsa_values[plr_ix][val_ix] = (double) 0;



sarsa_values[XPLAYER-1][X_WINNING_STATE] = (double) 1;

sarsa_values[XPLAYER-1][O_WINNING_STATE] = (double) -1;

sarsa_values[OPLAYER-1][X_WINNING_STATE] = (double) -1;

sarsa_values[OPLAYER-1][O_WINNING_STATE] = (double) 1;


else {

printf("Init sarsa values from file %s. \n", "mix.init");



learning_need = FALSE;

epsilon = 1; // exploit always


if (learning_need) {

// open log file

if ((log_file = fopen(LOG_FILE_NAME, "w")) == NULL) {

printf("can't open file %s! \n", LOG_FILE_NAME);



// computer vs computer

for (run_ix=1 ; run_ix<=NUMBER_OF_RUNS ; run_ix++) {

alpha = (double) 1/(run_ix/(NUMBER_OF_RUNS/10)+1);

epsilon = (double) run_ix/NUMBER_OF_RUNS;

fprintf(log_file, "--------- RUN NUMBER %d ---------\n", run_ix);

printf("--------- RUN NUMBER %d (alpha %2.3f epsilon %2.3f) \n", run_ix, alpha, epsilon);

while (! winner) {


winner = EndOfGame();


fprintf(log_file, " winner is player %d (state %d) \n", winner, current_table_state);




} // learning need

// human vs computer

while (selection != 'q') {


printf("You may choose your symbol [x|o] (or [q]uit) : ");

while (selection != 'q' && selection != 'x' && selection != 'o') {

selection = getchar();


switch(selection) {

case 'q' :


case 'x' :

human = XPLAYER;


case 'o' :

human = OPLAYER;


default :

printf(" > %c Unknown command. \n", selection);


if (selection != 'q') {

selection = ' ';

player_round = XPLAYER;

while (! winner) {

if (player_round != human) {




else {

printf("You put your's in col : ");

col_selection = 0;

while (col_selection < 1 || col_selection > COLS_NUM) {


col_selection = atoi(str_selection);




winner = EndOfGame();


printf(" winner is player %d. \n\n", winner);


} // end of while

// close log file


// save sarsa values

if ((values_file = fopen("sarsa_values.out", "w")) == NULL) {

printf("can't open file %s! \n", "sarsa_values.out");


else PrintSarsaValuesToLog(values_file);

