useful examples that work out of the box (see comments in my installation instructions): calibration_artificial (camera calibration) stereo_calib (camera calibration) demhist (histogram calculation) dft (disrete fourier transform) distrans (edge distance transform) edge (canny edge detection) contours (find contours) connected_components (binary connected components) convexhull (find minimal convex hull) fitellipse (fit ellipses) houghlines (fit lines) squares (fit squares) minarea (minimal containing square and circle) inpaint fback (farneback optical flow) find_obj (SURF) find_obj (fern) chamfer (matching edge template) lkdemo (tracking) camshiftdemo (tracking) motempl (motion detection) facedetect (detect faces) segment_objects (background subtracted segmented detection) em (expectation minimization clustering) kmeans (kmeans clustering)mushroom (machine learning example) points_classifier (machine learning example)