Efi Fogel


Download The program opens a window divided into four quadrants. The bottom left is the work space. It contains a blue convex robot and a red convex obstacle. You can select the robot or the obstacle by moving the cursor and placing it above the robot or the obstacle respectively. Once a polygon is selected it can translated by clicking the right and left mouse buttons simultaneously and moving the cursor while the buttons are pressed, or it can be rotated by clicking the left mouse and moving the cursor horizontaly while the button is pressed. The bootom right quadrant is the auxiliary space it shows the reflected robot and the obstacle. The top left quadrant is the configuration space. It shows the origin and the Minkowski sum of the reflected robot and the obstacle. The top right quadrant shows the normal diagrams of the two polygons.

Type the command below to run the program.
mink2d [options]
The command line options are:

  -h                print this help message
  -d <directory>    add <directory> to search list
  -v <level>        set verbose level
  Scene options:
  -h                print this help message
  -v <level>        set verbose level
  -i options        set input options:
                      file[=<file>    set input file
                      f[=<file>       set input file
                      vertices=<num>  set number of vertices
                      v=<num>         set number of vertices

By default the robot and the obstacle are each a regular polygon with 16 vertices. Use the -ivertices=<num> command-line option to override the number of vertices, or load a file that contains a description of a convex polygon using the -if[=<file>] command-line option. A file that describes a triangle is assumed by default, if the file name is omitted -if. The file format is the most intuitive; a number followed by that many vertices. Each vertex is given by its x and y coordinates in floating-point format. The first option specifies applies to the robot, and the second option applies to the obstacle, for example, the command:
normalDiag -if,v=4
creates a triangular robot and a square obstacle, as shown in the snapshot to the right.

Once the program is running and in focus, you may press one of the keys below to interact with it.
e - enter simulation mode.
m - toggle between sequencial and binary search modes.
n - perform the next step and halt.
r - resume simulation.
s - suspend simulation.
t - issue a collision detection query.
After you start up the program, place the robot and the obstacle in your favorite relative placement by selection and transforming each of them individually. Then, pres the 'e' key to enter simulation mode. Then, press the 't' button to issue a query. Change the search mode with the 'm' button, and issue a query again. At any point while the simulation is running you may suspend it, perform single steps, and resume it as you please.

Last modified: December 19 2004.