When: Sunday, May 14,
Where: Schreiber 309
Speaker: Doron Puder,
Tel Aviv University
Spectral Gaps of Cayley Graphs and Schreier Graphs of the Symmetric Group
Aldous' spectral gap conjecture, proved in 2009 by Caputo, Liggett and Richthammer, states the
following a priori very surprising fact: the spectral gap of a random walk on a finite graph is equal
to the spectral gap of the interchange process on the same graph. This is equivalent to that for
every set of transposition $A$ in the symmetric group $S_n$, the spectral gap of the Cayley graph
$Cay(S_n, A)$ is identical to that of the Schreier graph depicting the action of $S_n$ on
$\{1,..,n\}$ w.r.t. $A$. Can this remarkable result be generalized to other generating sets? I will
discuss possible
generalizations and explain what we know about them.
This is based on joint works with Ori Parzanchevski and with Gil Alon and Gadi Kozma.