Title: co-ing Buchi made tight Abstract: The translation, when possible, of a nondeterministic Buchi word automaton to a nondeterministic co-Buchi word automaton is a longstanding open problem. The best known lower bound for the state blow-up is linear, while the upper bound is 2^(n log n). By pointing to some key observations on nondeterminism and co-Buchi recognizable languages, we resolve the problem, showing an asymptotically tight bound of 2^n. In addition, we resolve a related open problem, of translating, when possible, a nondeterministic Buchi word automaton to a deterministic co-Buchi word automaton, also showing an asymptotically tight bound of 2^n. Both of our tight-bound constructions are based on a simple subset construction, do not involve intermediate automata with richer acceptance conditions, and can be implemented symbolically. We point to numerous applications of the new constructions. In particular, they imply a simple subset-construction based translation, when possible, of linear-temporal-logic formulas to deterministic Buchi word automata. Joint work with Orna Kupferman.