The Role of Type Theory: Principia Mathematica's Impact on Computer Science Robert Constable This lecture examines the influence of Principia Mathematica on modern type theories implemented in software systems known as interactive proof assistants. These proof assistants advance daily the goal for which Principia was designed: to provide a comprehensive formalization of mathematics. For instance, the definitive formal proof of the Four Color Theorem was done in type theory. Computational Type theory works well as a foundation for computer science, and it is considered seriously now more than ever as an adequate foundation for constructive mathematics. Possibly in due course the classical version of CTT will be considered as an adequate foundation for formalized classical mathematics. Notable in this regard is that the seminal work in the history of formalized mathematics is the Automath project of N.G. de Bruijn whose formalism is classical type theory. In addition, I will explain how type theories have enabled the use of formalized mathematics as a practical programming language, a connection entirely unanticipated at the time of Principia Mathematica's creation. In this context, I will present a short new proof of Godel's first incompleteness theorem using a logic for computable functions (LCF) formalized in type theory.