Computation on Metric Algebras Functions on data such as real and complex numbers, discrete and continuous data streams, and scalar and vector fields, are fundamental for many kinds of computation. Such data types are modelled using topological, or metric, many-sorted algebras and continuous mappings. Some of the issues that arise are: (1) Abstract vs. Concrete models: In concrete (unlike abstract) models, the computations depend on the representations of the data. Examples of abstract models are high level programming languages. In order to derive an equivalence result between these two classes of models, we have to consider issues of multivaluedness, continuity and approximable computability. We also apply this theory to the special case of discrete data on countable algebras. (2) The relationship between computation and specification: Our theory shows the existence of finite universal algebraic specifications for all the classically computable functions on the reals. This provides finite universal algebraic specifications for computable finite dimensional deterministic dynamical systems. Joint work with J.V. Tucker (Swansea)