Title: "Towards a Logic for Computational Effects" Abstract: In 1969 Dana Scott introduced LCF, his Logic for Computable Functions; its term language is a core higher-order call-by-name functional programming language with arithmetic, booleans and recursion at all types. That lead to Milner et al's LCF system and then the programming language ML. However, using this system to prove properties of programs could not be done directly, requiring instead a translation to represent side-effects. More recent, and very successful, program logics have yet another flavour, involving various modal and temporal logics. We address the question as to whether there is a more uniform and general view. To this end we follow an idea of Moggi that what is at kind is one or another notion of *computational* effect, whether side-effects, nondeterminism or communication. Other examples of computational effect are exceptions and probabilistic nondeterminism. It turns out that all these different kinds of effects can be viewed algebraically, with the effects being generated by operations subject to natural equations. Given that perspective, one can then give a (family of) of extensions of LCF (actually, call-by-value LCF) parameterised by the relevant computational effect. Some standard temporal logics can be directly represented as fragments of this logic. Several real difficulties remain, particularly the representation of Hoare logics, but we do hope to have at least established the prospect of a unified view.