Title. Proof carrying formulas and reflexive combinatory logic. Abstract. Proof carrying formulas and the Logic of Proofs LP were invented in the 1990s for solving a problem of the intended provability semantics of the modal and intuitionistic logic left open by Goedel. In this talk we will discuss possible applications of the Logic of Proofs in Computer Science. In the area of knowledge representation LP allows us to approach classical logical omniscience problem, which addresses a failure of the traditional logic of knowledge to distinguish between facts which are given, and the ones which can be only obtained after a long derivation process. The proof carrying formulas of LP naturally make this distinction. In the area of lambda-calculi and typed theories, proof carrying formulas bring in a much richer system of types capable of iterating the type assignment. We introduce and discuss the Reflexive Combinatory Logic (RCL) which provides a basic model of a programming language with a built-in compiler. Sergei Artemov, Graduate Center CUNY