Shmuel Katz, Technion Aspect Categories and Classes of Temporal Properties Generic categories of aspects are described, and their potential value is explained. For each such category, broad classes of syntactically identifiable temporal properties are guaranteed to hold for a system with any aspect of the category woven into it, if the property held of the system without the aspect. Thus classes of properties preserved by the aspect are defined. Moreover, simpler verification techniques are shown to hold for classes of new temporal properties added by any aspect in the category. Thus, the aspect categories and their relations to classes of temporal properties can be used to construct reliable systems without expensive and difficult proofs of properties for a system augmented with aspects. For each category, its syntactic and semantic characteristics are presented and a generic procedure to identify when an aspect belongs to the category is described and related to existing code analysis systems, using static analysis and dataflow techniques. The categories of aspects, identification procedures, and analysis of property classes provide the needed foundations for automatic code analysis modules to identify aspect categories.